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Current version: 1.0

Database documentation generated with Foliant.


The action table contains court-ordered actions for each unique case/defendant.

Some common terms seen in event_description are:
  • Bind Over refers to a judge's decision to order a defendant (someone accused of a crime) to be subjected to a trial as a result of a finding of probable cause at a preliminary hearing.
  • CIF references, or  Confidential Information Forms
column nullable type descr fkey
id NO integer
case_number NO character varying case_defendant[case_number]
event_date YES character varying
event_description YES character varying
In criminal law, police and court records sometimes use an alias for an individual as well as their given name. Can be used to maintain a sense of anonymity.

column nullable type descr fkey
id NO integer
defendant_id NO character varying defendant[id]
case_number YES character varying
name YES character varying
dob YES character varying
There may be more than one attorney per case, and in the chance that a criminal defendant can't afford a lawyer, they will recieve legal consul via a court appointed Public Defender - a right guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution.

column nullable type descr fkey
id NO integer
case_number NO character varying case_defendant[case_number]
name YES character varying
address YES character varying
phone YES character varying
A bail bond is an agreement by a defendant to appear for trial or pay a sum of money set by the court. A bail bondsman co-signs the bail bond and charges the defendant a fee in return for guaranteeing the payment.

column nullable type descr fkey
id NO integer
case_number NO character varying case_defendant[case_number]
bond_number YES character varying
amount YES character varying
bond_type YES character varying
date_set YES character varying
date_posted YES character varying
bondsman_surety_co YES character varying
Cases and defendants share a many to many relationship. Each case_defendant is a unique combination of defendant and case.

column nullable type descr fkey
case_number NO character varying
status YES character varying
judge_name YES character varying
next_event YES character varying
arrested_date YES character varying
arresting_agency YES character varying
arresting_agency_report YES character varying
court_of_appeals_case YES character varying
date_scraped YES timestamp without time zone
defendant_id YES character varying
name YES character varying
defendant_status YES character varying
date_of_birth YES character varying
race YES character varying
sex YES character varying
other_cases YES character varying
co_defendants YES character varying
A charge is an accusation that a criminal defendant has broken a specific law (statute). Each case may have more than one charge. An Indictment (charge_type INDICT) is when the formal charge issued by a grand jury stating that there is enough evidence that the defendant committed the crime to justify having a trial.

column nullable type descr fkey
id NO integer
case_number NO character varying case_defendant[case_number]
charge_type YES character varying
statute YES character varying
charge_description YES character varying
disposition YES character varying
Court costs are fees that cover the expenses of serving summons, subpoenas, notices, orders, and more. They can also include court reporter fees, computer research, docketing, and journal posting. Source: Cuyahoga County Domestic Relations Court

column nullable type descr fkey
id NO integer
case_number NO character varying case_defendant[case_number]
account YES character varying
amount YES character varying
Defendant, in criminal cases, is the person accused of the crime. In civil cases, the defendant is the person or entity that is being sued by the plaintiff. Source: Cornell Law School Legal Information Institute.
column nullable type descr fkey
id NO character varying
name YES character varying
status YES character varying
marital_status YES character varying
birth_city YES character varying
birth_state YES character varying
citizenship YES character varying
address_1 YES character varying
address_2 YES character varying
address_3 YES character varying
city_state_zip YES character varying
race YES character varying
height YES character varying
sex YES character varying
weight YES character varying
age YES character varying
eyes YES character varying
date_of_birth YES character varying
hair YES character varying
A log containing the complete history of each case in the form of brief chronological entries summarizing the court proceedings. Source: US Courts Glossary

column nullable type descr fkey
id NO integer
case_number NO character varying case_defendant[case_number]
proceeding_date YES character varying
filing_date YES character varying
docket_party YES character varying
docket_type YES character varying
docket_description YES character varying
pdf_link YES character varying
image_s3_path YES character varying
A table to document record retrieval progress. The information for each case is retrieved by case number, which is ordered sequentially. It's possible that the case is still open as of date_scraped, in which case, its records in the CuyaCourts database are incomplete.

column nullable type descr fkey
id NO integer
case_id YES character varying
date_scraped YES timestamp without time zone
details YES character varying

Database ERD